It’s all so very different this time……

On a hot Summers day in 1998, we left the shores of the UK with a 6 and 7 year old – we were on a one way ticket to Tanzania. We had no clue what we were going in to. John and I had visited just once before for a fortnight back in 1997. There was a lot to handle in those long two weeks – and when we came back, we said we would NEVER return to Africa! Thank goodness God doesn’t listen to our emotions!!

We lived there, as a family for two and a half years, we didn’t see the UK for two! After a serious heart problem in John, a very dark time ensued for us as a family and we wondered how we would ever come out of it… Eventually we were told we would never be able to go back to Africa. This broke our hearts… We had grown to love it.  Thank goodness God doesn’t listen to man’s decisions!!

We have all been back to Africa dozens of times since we left – it never leaves you. 

Today, 28th January, a cold Winters day, 2014 we are going back to Tanzania to begin a new adventure! It’s not a one way ticket (thankfully) and we haven’t got a 6 & 7 year old in tow!

What we do have though is a dream – a massive dream and we have experience. The ‘school’ we have been in, both in the UK and in Africa, has been priceless…. of course it would have been nice to avoid some of the lessons we have learned …. because they were tough and it would have been a more pleasant journey to avoid the tears, pain and hurt, BUT, without the tears, pain and hurt, you don’t learn stuff! That’s life!

So… here we go! you can be a part of our dream – in fact, we’d love you to be a part of it! sign up to our mailing list:

Follow us on Twitter – ‘choose agape’

Follow my blog

If you’re a pray-er, pray for us…. It’s going to be great, it’s going to be huge!


Thank you for all your thoughts and kind words – We know we’re not going alone. We know we have a big team behind us in you. People from all over the world who have been a part of our journey – far too many to name. But it’s a times like this when you realise just how many friends you’ve got! THANK YOU!

We fly in about an hour so we’ll see you on the other side!! WOOHOO!!